How Aqua Maris®
is created

For more than 20 years, Jadran has been studying and using the healing properties of the Adriatic Sea, a depositary of various minerals and microelements, for the welfare of mankind. Seawater brings energy, strengthens and restores health.

Unique properties of the Adriatic Sea enabled scientists to create Aqua Maris®, a legendary product initiating the pattern of seawater use for healing human body. Aqua Maris® Strong effectiveness has been proven by numerous clinical trials in Russia and abroad. Aqua Maris® brand is popular among millions of patients who have seen the true value of its health-promoting effects.

Nowadays Aqua Maris® offers a wide range of products for treating and preventing diseases of the throat and nose.

Where does water for Aqua Maris® come from?

The water for Aqua Maris® manufacturing is collected near the Northern Velebit National Park in Croatia. This is one of the cleanest places in the Adriatic as certified by UNESCO, and its clarity and microelement composition are unique.

The Northern Velebit National Park is located far from inhabited localities and industrial areas. Research published in the Journal of Separation Science* has demonstrated that the mineral (Na, Ca, Mg and others) content in the Adriatic Sea is 7–14% higher than in ordinary seawater. This is due to the fact that some rivers and springs originating from the mountains of the Dinaric Alps and Velebit National Park run into this sea and enrich the seawater with natural salts and minerals.

* -

Ion chromatographic method development for monitoring of seawater quality used in  over-the-counter pharmaceutical industry. Tomislav Bolanča, Štefica Cerjan-Stefanovič , Melita Regelja, Danijela Štanfel. Journal of Separation Science, Volume 28, Issue 13, 2005.

water taken from
the depth of 20-30 meters

The water for Aqua Maris® products is taken in strict compliance with all applicable ecological standards from a depth of more than 20 meters. The collection procedure does not compromise the fragile ecosystem of the National Park.

It has been proven that this is the depth where the water is the cleanest and optimal in terms of the content of various salts and microelements.

Own production facilities

The water is supplied to the company's own production facilities where it is purified and tested for quality. Aqua Maris® is the result of a sophisticated industrial process, the main objective of which is to preserve the microelements in seawater and ensure product sterility.

State-of-the-art quality management systems are used at all production stages. The company's facilities are constantly being modernized and expanded. Special attention is paid to use of natural materials, recycling and purification systems to preserve and protect the environment.

In 2015 a new modern plant in Rijeka was commissioned to produce aerosol Aqua Maris® medical forms. It is equipped with the most advanced technologies.

versatile PRODUCT platFORMS

Aqua Maris® is produced in several forms: drops, pump sprays, aerosol sprays with special nozzles, nose rinsing device.

We've made sure that everyone can findin Aqua Maris® product range the most suitable solution to meet personal needs and preferences so as to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Sterile production

Much attention is paid to production sterility. The production line is divided into four areas with increasing cleanliness: A, B, C, D. The areas are separated by an air lock. The air pressure in each subsequent area is higher than in the previous one so that no dust, viruses or bacteria can get into the sterile area.

To get from one area to another, one has to change his/her protective clothes. Entering area A is possible only when wearing what resembles a space suit. All equipment and packaging are sterilized several times. These are the conditions where water is pre-purified in order to have a robust product with all precious properties preserved.


Our products cannot be obtained outside a sterile production line. To be convinced of this, please read our article about whether it is possible to produce Aqua Maris® at home

Ultrafiltration of seawater

To preserve the microelement composition of Adriatic Sea water without changes and make it sterile, Jadran applies bacteriological ultrafiltration.

Do you know that fresh seawater possesses unique healing properties, but loses them in just one day of storage? Organic compounds start degrading, and beneficial properties are lost. As a rule, seawater is sterilized by boiling, in autoclaves or by gamma irradiation. Water where all organic components (bacteria, phytogenic or zoogenic components) are extinguished is well-suited for storage, but has no therapeutic effect. Its fragile chemical structure has been destroyed.

The only way to get genuine seawater for long-term storage is bacteriological ultrafiltration using gradually more compacted filters and gradually reduced pore diameters.

The first stages filter out plankton and large fractions, then bacteria cells, and finally the finest 0.1 μm membranes filter out all macromolecular organic components, leaving behind just salts and microelements.

The result is perfectly pure water with preserved structure. This is the reason for applying the strictest requirements to the external production environment: sterile facilities, equipment, staff overalls, multiple in-process checks, two-week bacteriological quarantine for finished batches, use of back valves on product vials to prevent bacteria from coming into the vial etc.

This is a long and very labor-intensive process, but it gives the relevant result!

МA micron (μm) is a tiny particle of one millionth of a meter.
This pore size meets the international sterility regulations for drugs, i.e. the GMP standard.

Bringing seawater to isotonic or hypertonic state

The broad Aqua Maris® product line has two types of products — isotonic and hypertonic. What is their purpose? Let's discuss this in more detail.

Saltiness of seawater depends on the content of hard salts, primarily sodium chloride (NaCl). In natural, purified Adriatic water the NaCl concentration comes to approximately 3.5–3.8%.

From the scientific point of view, it is not recommended to use solutions with NaCl concentration of more than 2.0–2.5% for treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases, otherwise there is the risk to mucosa of being overly ‘dried.’

That is why natural seawater may not be used for therapy without bringing it down to the required concentration.

A hypertonic solution is a solution where the NaCl concentration exceeds 0.9%, i.e. the salt content is higher than in an isotonic solution. With regard to the physical and chemical properties, such a solution, or rather the salt dissolved in it, is capable of extracting excess liquid from cells, thus reducing oedema. In addition, it dehydrates bacteria cells, causing their death. 
Hypertonic solutions may be efficient in easing oedema and inflammation.

Aqua Maris® Strong

Aqua Maris® Strong for Throat

It is worth noting that a physiological seawater solution differs from a normal saline solution since in addition to NaCl 0.9% (sodium chloride) it contains a unique composition of microelements which makes the water really valuable!

Aqua Maris® composition and action

After biological ultrafiltration, the Adriatic seawater collected from the National Park and enriched with microelements is made sterile while preserving its structure and all healing properties. Each mineral and microelement in Aqua Maris® is of importance and defines the healing properties of the product.

Ca and Mg improve metabolic processes, enhancing mobility of ciliated cells and improving mucosa resistance against viruses and bacterial penetration. They are responsible for cleaning the air coming into our lungs from dust and chemicals as if it passed through a filter. This is extremely important for residents of metropolises and industrial areas, for people working in hazardous facilities.

Zn and Se stimulate local immunity of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinus mucosa.

A lot of people feel dryness and discomfort in their nasal mucosa when staying in air-conditioned areas or when the central heating is on. I and NaCl activate production of protective nasal mucus by special cells, and the inhaled air is humidified.

Aqua Maris® - feel the energy of the sea!

Aqua Maris® is widely used in various fields: for daily care, cold prevention, in the treatment of acute and chronic nasopharynx diseases, in post-surgery periods. For almost each situation, there is a special Aqua Maris®.

We believe in the power of the sea and its ability to harmonize human existence. We are proud that every day our products help thousands of people all over the world!

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