People suffering from chronic nasopharynx diseases (maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, adenoiditis etc.) and frequent catarrhal diseases should treat their health carefully. As a rule, when these people have rhinitis, it ends with aggravation of a chronic disease, antibiotic treatment and a long recovery period. That is why not only during the illness but also during the asymptomatic period (remission) it is necessary to revitalize mucosa and improve its resistance to infections. Aqua Maris® Device can be recommended for regular use. To achieve positive dynamics in the managing of a chronic nasopharynx disease, the procedure of nasal rinsing must become a routine habit. Each Aqua Maris® Device set contains 30 sachets with natural salt from the Adriatic Sea for a solution abundant in minerals and microelements, sufficient for a month of daily use. Seawater microelements have a complex effect on mucous membranes: calcium and magnesium activate mucous cilia, zinc and selenium stimulate local immunity, increasing resistance to infiltration of viruses and bacteria, iodine and sodium chloride act as antiseptics and normalize production of protective mucous.